WLAN problem, multiple times with a device logged in?


Have a good day together,

I have some days again the problem that my computer connects several times with the router and thus gets assigned to multiple IP addresses. This ensures that I'm restricted in connection with building websites.

For example, I can't access websites like weareone.fm or mojang.net

On the firewall this is not because I have already had this in the router and on the computer.

Now for the technical details.

My computer is an iMac 5 generation with Windows 7 32bit unlicensed. Our internet provider is Unitymedia and provides us with the connectbox. Unitymedia could not help us either. I'm assuming that the problem with the Connectbox is the fact that I had the same synonymous already on a laptop in the same network, but where was not a program on it which is synonymous here on it.


When it comes to the internal IP, then disable the DHCP and forgive a fixed IP.

If the external IP is constantly changing, then you have ongoing disconnections of the modem. Since the malfunction of your provider should check the line.

You can also try to enter a proxy in the browser. Usually the Internet offer also a proxy. Just look at their homepage. Or try the telecom proxy (www-proxy.t-online.de)

PS: http://www.seid-seit.de


All flatten router and leppi.

Secure data.

Raussuchen Internet access data.


I have already given a fixed IP to this computer, but he still does not know the computer. With the proxy, I'll try. I say thank you for the help


It does not work, I can't reinstall Windows because I can't get into the BIOS. And in this other thing from Apple, the USB stick with win7 64bit is not recognized


Who does not know the computer IP? There's nothing to assign, if an IP was permanently assigned.

You're running Windows. What does an "ipconfig" say?


What do you mean by "what does an ipconfig say"?


Ask your IP. Enter the command ipconfig in the command line.


The computer should consistently receive the same IP because it is MAC-based. The IP should / could only change if the lease time expires. If you're doing an ipconfig, then please ipconfig / all.


My Ipv6 is 2a02: 908: 1254: 7420: f0bf: 326d: 726c: bb1c

And my ipv4 is

And now?


MAC is completely irrelevant here.

/ all is completely superfluous, if one wants to have only the assigned IP.


This means that you just have not been assigned as claimed by you.

Overall, it should be about the external IP anyway. Now you should clarify, what mistake you get now exactly.

"Limited in terms of connection" is now not really a glitch.

It would be interesting, which error message comes, if you go to one of the mentioned pages.


With the assigned IP address, I said that I have made over the router. If I go to one of the mentioned pages, there's network timeout


Either DHCP or fixed IP. You can't do both.

To network error:

Which browser do you use in which version? Use another, current browser. Delete the cache of the browser.

It comes only on certain pages to the problem.


That will not be the problem, that was on all the browsers I tried: internet exploerer Firefox Chrome Opera. Finally, the Minecraft Launcher itself does not come to the Mojang server


[…] a range of IP addresses (range) is defined on the DHCP server. IP addresses are automatically assigned to the MAC addresses of new DHCP clients, which is recorded in a table. […] however, the DHCP server has in its configuration file an indication of how long a certain https://de.wikipedia.org/...IP-Adresse may be "lent" to a client before the client has to contact the server again and request an "extension". If he does not answer, the address becomes free and can be reassigned to another (or the same) computer. This administrator-defined time is called lease-time.

Some DHCP servers also allocate MAC addresses dependent IP addresses, i. H. A client gets here even after a long network abstinence and expiration of the lease time the same IP address as before (unless of course, this has already been awarded elsewhere).



Nice, if you information first so gradually rausrückst.

Cleared cache? You are not locked?

But that you do not come to mojang.net is not a mistake.




I have not deleted cache yet, I have to do it when I'm back from vaccination. That the information with the browsers is relevant, I did not think, therefore they did not exist yet. Could you just explain to me how I delete the cache then?


Use Google


And when you're at home, make an "ipconfig / flushdns" command line


I did, and now everything works again, a big thank you


Remove hard drive and format, install, since it automatically boots from the stick or DVD.

Eventually there are driver problems.

What about Windows 10.


Windows 10 I do not want to give it, the old part does not overload, yes on my pc with my father already have experience what that s.resoucsen pulls, but with the hard drive is a good idea, it is still possible windows so to install the files to stay alive?


Of course the data is gone when you format Windows 10 is better. As his reputation.