Mine Bitcoin on Cloud PC?


I got a cloud PC and I plan to mine Bitcoin there. Now my question: If I run this on my laptop (the Cloud PC, which is called Shadow), will my electricity bill go very high or won't that much happen? Well, I don't do anything myself on my laptop, the cloud PC does that. Still, does the electricity bill go extremely high if I run it 24/7, for example?


🤔 It makes a difference whether it is now running in standby or doing something. It consumes less in standby than when it is actively running.


So if I have a program open on my laptop, which I don't use for anything else, with a cloud PC running, which I use for Bitcoin mining, does the electricity bill go up?


The laptop then has practically no load other than having to keep the shadow thing open. It doesn't use much then.

However, you don't need to be surprised if your Shadow Gaming is canceled after a few days. That should be against their terms and conditions, because they mine cryptos.


Yes, a friend of mine has been running it for a few weeks now, he makes it look like he's doing something else that requires a lot of effort with programs that are still running



The consumption will definitely be higher. But to determine exactly how much more electricity it consumes, you can hang an energy cost meter between the socket and the laptop. Then you know exactly how much electricity it consumes and whether it is even profitable for you to mine.