What is the best way to protect my eyes in the home office?


Since you have to be constantly on the Internet for school work these days, I wanted to ask how I can best protect my eyes? What is better if you have to work with it all the time: computer, laptop, tablet or mobile phone?


Blue light filter (night mode)


Computer and laptop because it is more comfortable to use than a cell phone.

Turn on the blue filter.

You can sit in front of it all day without harming your eyes if the filter is strong enough.

In any case, you are greatly reducing it.


A computer is best. You can use the keyboard and screen to find the best sitting position.

Then comes the laptop.

Then cell phone and tablet. Mobile phones and tablets are really bad for working. Because you automatically hold it closer to your face and you never keep your sitting posture straight.

When working, there's something like a blue light filter. Or glasses that filter that.

Otherwise you should look out the window into the distance for 2-5 minutes during every break.
When working on devices, your eyes are set on seeing things that are very close to us. (Leads to myopia) If you look into the distance now more often, you can correct that.


Some suggestions have already been made to you, but a very important one is missing from the list.
Almost all people only blink a maximum of 5 eyelids in front of the monitor instead of 20-25 per minute. With every blink of the eye the eye is cooled, cleaned and the tear fluid is evenly distributed. All of this is important because it cleanses and cools the cornea.