How can you insert several pictures in the chapters of Wattpad?


I would like to know how to insert several pictures into a chapter when writing a book. I write my books on the laptop.

On the cell phone there are fields for thick and italic below and also a field for inserting several pictures. But how can you insert multiple images on a laptop?

It doesn't work if I paste it into Word or LibreOffice and then copy everything. Then I can't insert it in Wattpad. It doesn't work with Paint either.

I would be very grateful if a working answer came quickly because I would like to insert pictures.


You can insert a picture or a video in the field above the heading. To do this, simply press the corresponding symbol (these mountains for a picture / the camera for a video), then your folder opens, where you can select a saved picture. Of course, you have to have saved an image there beforehand.

If you want to insert multiple images, this is only possible in the text field, but not above the heading.

To do this, simply click in a new paragraph where nothing is written yet. The two symbols reappear next to the point you clicked. You click on the mountains and then you can insert pictures.

I'm not really sure whether you can insert several pictures at once or click a new paragraph each time, you should test that.