May my girlfriend give her his ex pictures?


My girlfriend has an exfreut coming from a war zone. She has old pictures, from his past (for example, the mother, friends, family he vlt never see) will find, the pictures are not related to it. She put the whole phone on her laptop while the two of them were together. However, his phone is broken and never gets the pictures again. What do you all mean? Does she have to return the pictures or should she delete the pictures?

Or should you simply do the pictures on a USB stick and keep them?


He never asked for the pictures.


She should just give him the pictures, just like that. Simply, because the pictures have something to do with him and one can assume that these pictures have little to do with her.

she does not have to, but she can.

Nobody is forced to be a good person, but everyone has the freedom to be a bad person.

what she does is her thing, as far as he is concerned, so it is his whole life, which is linked to these pictures.


If they have no contact anymore, I would personally delete them.

It comes only to contact, if they give him who & who it is long gone, it makes no sense in my opinion to contact the ex.

He has certainly a lot of pictures of the family & vllt already have a girlfriend or wife what he might bllt disturb if the ex reports.

So avoid stress & just delete it.


These pictures from his past in a corresponding crisis area are probably quite old. Are you sure that for whatever reason he kept them exclusively on his smartphone?

Besides, there's no obligation to give him the pictures. But if she has nothing to hide, for example because she copied the phone without his permission, why not give him the pictures?