Free up RAM reserved for hardware?


My notebook (AMD Ryzen 5 3550H) theoretically has 8GB DDR4 RAM, of which only 5.92GB can be used and the rest is "reserved for hardware".

I have no real idea how to get the 2.1GB back and where to set things up, so I would be grateful for any help.

Since even 8GB RAM is the minimum these days, I would like to have my full RAM available again.


Use the graphics card, with a little luck you can set this in the BIOS if I'm not mistaken


The Vega graphic has reserved 2GB as graphic memory.

The reserved memory is released if necessary.

What do you do that you use or need 8GB RAM?


I use it for school work, some gaming and light image and video editing. More RAM is nice


I understand the additional requirements for image and video editing, in which case only the expansion of the RAM really helps.