Find a laptop insurance that also insures the additional installation of RAM and SSDs. Does anyone know a good insurance company?


The laptop is directly from the manufacturer and has a value of 2000 euro without SSD and RAM
The ram was retrofitted by myself, 2x M.2 SSD + RAM worth 1800 euro.
The laptop has a total value of around 3800 euro

Now an insurance is needed that covers the total value and not just the purchase value of the laptop. Does anyone have an idea and can recommend something?


According to Afa, notebooks can only be written off for 2-3 years. After that, the device is no longer worth anything for the insurance company. You will also not be able to insure anything retrospectively if it has been tampered with.


The laptop is not a single day old.
So age doesn't matter here.
And I don't want to insure anything retrospectively.
As you can see from the price, the laptop is expanded to the end of the day, which means maximum possible RAM and maximum possible memory (1M.2 has 8TB).
Means with day 1 and operating hour 1 it is already worth 3800 euro.
The bill for the laptop is only 2000 euro because the remaining 1800 euro are built-in through RAM and SSD.

An insurance is sought that not only insures the purchase price of the laptop but also the addition of the RAM and SSDs.