Can a USB 3 connection be picky?


What sounds funny first is really weird.

Have a bit with Clonezilla and various SSDs bissel things tried everything so far gone well. Until just on the 2 front USB3 ports.

Previously, the normal read all SSDs in external cases and normal hard drives with needle synonymous. Everything OK.

For a few days, the front USB "only" want USB sticks and occasional SSDs, needle HDDs no more.

Only thought SSD or HDD in the bucket or the cable, this changed and plates formatted nothing went. On the USB2 and the rear port USB3.1 the plates go perfectly, also on OTG mobile phones or other laptops or PCs. So the plates are not in the bucket.

I assume a power history. The needle HDDs do not turn on the 2 Front USB 3.0 any longer. Some SSDs want a (baseless) initialization by Windows, but this ends in an I / O error. Other SSDs (same manufacturer) run without problem, at the said socket.

Normal USB 3 sticks go perfectly on the said ports (less power?) Anyhow quite funny. Have W10 times completely freshly installed and all drivers new nothing, the jacks have a "life of their own".

Otherwise have normal "copy speeds" s.den ports, SSD to SSD up to 500 mb / sec, to the HDD up to 180mb / sec, etc. S.die 2.0 up to 45mb / sec, so everything is there, the sticks depending on Model of 60-120 mb / sec. Judging by these 2 picky USB3 ports, if an appropriate device was once "accepted".

Board is the MSI Gamin Pro X370 and the Ryzen7 1700x with 32GB Ram.

What could that be? Wackelkontakte or socket broken can't be, because that would not connect to all devices. Phones etc are indeed recognized and run on the "funny" USB3 socket. USB2 devices partly run but also logically throttled.

Heist now always try first, may the jack the new device, if no, then crawl behind the PC and then copy with USB 3 or 3.1.


This looks like a defective USB power supply. If you connect through a powered hub, it should work again.


Suppose you connect to a USB3 interface a distributor (USB hub) to what normally no problem. Now connected to a USB3 hard drive.

It has full data speed.

Now put on the USB hub additionally a memory module that can only USB2.

Clever as the computer is now he wants to communicate with all hardware.

So that he can communicate with the USB2 memory module, he changes the speed to USB2.0 but for all connected units, also for the USB3 hard disk. This runs slower or not at all because it needs USB3.

Therefore, only USB3 devices should be used on the USB3 interface