How much does a laptop repair cost? - 1


As you can see in the pictures, my laptop (700 euro) has been damaged. The screen is no longer fully connected to the back. The laptop turns on and can be used normally, but the outside is broken and I can't open it straight up either.

Approximately how much will the repair cost?

How much does a laptop repair cost How much does a laptop repair cost - 1

How should we know this?

What brand is that?

It can go from at least 200 euro to 2000 euro, something is broken, maybe more than just the display is defective etc etc etc

You can inquire at manufacturers such as Dell etc, just let me tell you one thing, IT WILL NOT BE WORTHY

If necessary, you can find someone on eBay's classifieds who can do the repairs and who takes little money.

But you can't answer that like that because you don't know what exactly and how is broken.


The analysis will be difficult, if something is completely bent it will probably be more expensive than a new laoptop. Spare parts for older devices have to be found first.

if it just has to be pushed in again it may be available cheaply.


Looks like a broken display bezel to me. On the sides and at the bottom of the hinges. You can prepare it yourself with the right parts. But it's only for people who have a little idea and a lot of sensitivity.