Accidentally received a transfer?


A lady wrote to me on email who was probably ripped off with 600 euro…

She wanted to buy a cell phone on Facebook and transferred the money to the bank. Well I don't have Facebook myself, but someone called himself like me and had a similar picture, which was very old of me. Well he deleted the account immediately and now she only has chat history with a person without a picture but with my name and no address!

3 months ago I had sold a notebook on Ebay classifieds and sold a censored receipt to interested parties where my email could be seen by mistake. Now the lady contacted me on the mail and said she had transferred money to me and why I was burning it etc. Then I said that I never wrote to her and that someone used my receipt as a guarantee proof! Of course, I also sent my IBAN to a few people so that they could transfer them.

Now I told her that in the email and she doesn't believe me and has already reported on the first name and added IBAN. Now I looked at my account and the guy on Facebook used my IBAN… I guess that was a colleague of mine who knows that I'm not doing well financially.

Now she has asked her bank for a chargeback and then my bank asked me if that was possible, whereupon I said that it is not possible because my credit card bill has already spent the money… I offered her in 2-3 months I can pay it back because i earn too little. And have loans open, etc.

I'm now completely in a tricky situation… Isn't it her own fault if she "gives me" money or not? What do I have to fear from the police since they have reported my name?

She is also totally rude in the email and her husband is threatening me too! What can I do for it that she is so stupid and can be burned and I'm the lucky one where the money ends up. (You can be lucky, after so much bad luck)

I've also been so incinerated and had chat history iban and everything but the police didn't do anything. Should have taken civil law action and that would have been more expensive than what I bought…


Pay back the money immediately, no matter what, it is not yours. If you keep it, it really gives the impression that you cheated on her


I think there's something fishy about the whole story.


I've already thought, just out of courtesy I didn't assume that he was


So the first thing you do now is go to your bank and get your bank statements - printed out.

You can then see whether you have received any money or not.

If it's there, please pay it back! How can you accidentally spend 600 euro too much that you shouldn't have had? You must be in a financial mess. Make sure you have better bookkeeping in the future. This is an important point in life!

Your second path leads you to the police, where you can also report a report against a stranger or against your acquaintance whom you suspect. Thus it is recorded in writing that you take care of the matter and have nothing to do with it.


She didn't give you the money. It is also not very credible that someone stranger would give your IBAN for a fraud that they did not know about. And why are you spending money on credit cards that you know doesn't belong?

If she reports you, the chances are very high that you will face a court soon. Then you not only have to repay the money, but also get a fine and have to pay court costs and a lawyer.

Even if the court should believe you, which I think is out of the question, you are legally unjustifiably enriched and you are obliged to repay the amount immediately.

So make a transfer immediately before it gets even more expensive.


Others sell for stupid, how often and in how many versions do you want to ask the question? 🤦♀️

Get yourself a decent hobby


Old problem, repackaged. You are a cheater. In your previous question you admitted that you screwed the woman.

You will be convicted of fraud. Guaranteed. And even if you rewrite your story several times.


Read his last question, he admitted the fraud.


Read his last question.