Windows programs start no longer since broken 10er update?



Some time ago, the free update for the operating system Windows 10 came out, which I have already installed and this update assistant always ran in the background. Several complained that the new Windows was faulty, so I researched and found out that this update also entraff me, so I uninstalled the Update Assistant (possibly a huge mistake?) Anyway, everything went super afterwards and forth un her,

Now the real problem. I have not been able to open and view any photos or videos for some time now. Each time the message appears that the requested time has been exceeded, often just nothing happens. The original "Windows Photo Ad" has disappeared and the photo app does not open anymore. I've already tried to get the windows photo viewer started again via the regedit manager. However, I then auf¬ that I no longer seems to be the program on the computer. A right-click on the image and the function "Open with." there's not any more. But I'm 1000% sure that I have not deleted a "standard program".

Have then read that I can open the photo app via Microsoft Store or check for updates, which can't be opened now but synonymous. Have then tried the Windows Media Player, which then worked.

I've only had problems since I got this laptop. He has an i3 processor but he is already brutally slow from the beginning and my age (with the pretty same characteristics) was anticipated. I'm slowly despairing, Please help me!

P.S Sorry for the long text.


Buy Windows 10 license. Save old data. Crate flatten and reinstall.

Who does not want that remains only the way to Linux (Distri) is Free.

Mate version is the better.

Downloads -> Documentation -> German you will find everything important.


It only helps reinstall. I'm sorry:/


Completely reinstall Windows?


Jap. From a stick or a CD. First, tell me if you can back up some data if you do not already have them in a cloud