Windows 10 driver update failed?


I have had a problem since yesterday. I wanted to update my drivers and now I don't know what to do next. Since the update, the screen resolution is completely wrong. The brightness is at its maximum and I have no way of changing it. I've looked through the settings 50 times. A Windows reset over the night and a complete reinstallation did not help either. When I update the driver via the manager, it says that it is already up to date. Other programs update the drivers do not help. I asked friends and youtube only said I should just update. My monitor is an ACPI 64x based PC, the resolution should be 1600x900 but is currently (on the maximum windows setting) 1152x872. If it is important it is a Toshiba notebook.


Delete driver. Reinstall


It does not work. I don't have this option.


Why is it not possible. Aren't you the administrator?


But this works with other drivers for the graphics card, for example. But I'm talking about the screen here. I can only update and then it says I already have the latest version


Reset windows


I already have that. Is also above.