Internet use at work through Wi-Fi?


I should have a question about internet use at work. We have a WLAN that is intended for employees and that employees use on their private cell phones. The employees actually only use the WLAN privately, as a WORK PC is available for work. I actually always pay close attention not to call up ambiguous pages via the WLAN. Lately I forgot to turn off the Wi-Fi because the cell phone connects automatically as soon as you enter the building and because of boredom I stayed on a page with personal ads of a sexual nature. According to the employment contract, private use of cell phones is not permitted, but is tolerated (which is why the employee also uses WLAN for private cell phones). We have another Wi-Fi for work that also runs on my laptop from work. I only use it for work. We have a person who is not employed by the company that deals with network support (quasi we hire us if necessary). He is responsible for our 30 branches (the WLAN employee works the same everywhere, so that you are directly connected to other locations as soon as you enter the building). My question is whether I have to count on the fact that my mistake has been noticed, whether there could be consequences and how likely it is that the person will actually check the pages visited at over 30 branches.


Short answer: No.

Nobody has so much boredom to search the browser history for conspicuous pages. Unless you are looking for a reason for termination or someone saw it and reports it. We did that recently. I'm a computer scientist myself.

Someone bought "special" things while working. Nothing illegal but yes I don't want to give too much information. Data protection and such. In any case, this was noticed and reported to the personnel office. At their request, we then had to check his browser history and report anything noticeable. Then he was fired…

So as long as you are not "teased", nothing will happen for sure.


No, we always work alone, so nobody can have seen me and no one is actually looking for a reason for termination. I could only be pissed off if our IT specialist evaluates the progress and looks for exactly one day. And then all other employees would have to reckon with the consequences, for example because they are playing poker or on Facebook. How long are the histories saved on the router?


How long that is saved is extremely different. I can't tell you anything at all. Often it is only a month or two, but as I said, it varies a lot. Some don't save it at all. Some permanent. But I don't think what will come. In addition, private use is tolerated. Whether you are on a sex dating site or Facebook is not important in itself. As long as you don't start watching movies or something…