Why is work so inflexible and old-fashioned?


I currently work 80% -90% in the home office and can work at any time. There are no rules regarding working time and place. I may interrupt my work and start again later, the main thing being to do my work. I also have to say that I have one of the best and most flexible jobs in my circle of acquaintances. It is good for the merit, a little above average, but not far above.

It was different a few years ago. This is my first job, which is so flexibly designed.

I ask myself why are employers so old-fashioned and inflexible? Why do you stick to practices that used to be centuries ago? By that I mean the working time, which is fixed, so for example from 6 o'clock in the morning to 14:30 at noon. You also have to drive to the company and work there. If I work in the office anyway, why not work at home?

The benefits are obvious for both sides, employers and employees. As an employee, I save more than 50% of the money for gasoline, and as an employer I have less expenses for the permanent establishment, which accordingly does not have to be so big because my employees work from home.

Furthermore, a flexible working hours is also interesting for both sides. As an employee, I'm more flexible, if I have an important appointment, then I can just take it and do not have to postpone it because I have to work. Mentally you do not feel locked up, you do not feel the whole work so much as work, because you are not forced to stay in a building for eight hours. On the employer side, the advantage is that you can employ one employee even in the evening if it is necessary. Errors are easier to correct because you have the tools, so the laptop at home and can eliminate the error immediately.

Collateral is created through diversification, especially in the equity world. If I have several stocks, from many different groups, then I also have more security. Why not reduce working hours from eight hours to four hours, for example? So you have two jobs as an employee. Then, in case of a termination, you still have a job half-day, so a security.

These are questions that have been going through my mind for quite some time and I would be pleased to have a nice discussion.


For one thing, there are jobs in which this is not possible. This is limited to office jobs.

The cost of home office may be cheaper for new businesses. Of course, they first need a soft commodity that allows home office. But stable companies would have to change everything first. It is the least to cancel the lease for the office space.

I think the trend is definitely more about home office. Also less hours of work a day.

But, it is a system that requires a lot of self-discipline, trust, organization, etc. Not every person is made for it. That's why home office is more of a privilege that you can earn after a long term of employment. After all, you also have to be able to rely on the employee being able to cope with the responsibility and be able to train yourself and seek help if he or she does not get on with a task.

Surveys have shown that many, especially the younger generation, want a home office. Surveys have also shown that their main motivation to actually "laziness / comfort" is. And if that's the only reason, then as an employer, I would think twice about giving in.

The only downside: The component working climate, team fall away. And social networking is just one reason for some to work in a company. Home Office makes everything more impersonal.


Home Office is not a privilege. I'm fresh in the company and still have a home office. And do you have a source of laziness / comfort? I doubt it.


Maybe not in your business, but it's often done that way.

I expected the question. I have to search, can't promise that I will find it again.
Had another first article: https://www.stern.de/wirtschaft/job/homeoffice--macht-heimarbeit-gluecklich---oder-wird-sie-ueberschaetzt--8815304.html

What you also forget to mention, that then you have to be able to separate private and work more rigorously. And especially with mothers Home Office is often more of a burden, because you are more likely to work, household, children under the same hat.

I have the article I meant: https://www.stern.de/neon/vorankommen/karriere/millennials-ohne-arbeitsmoral--so-sehen-fuehrungskraefte-die-generation-y-8793876.html


This may often be possible with EDP-supported work. But what about all medical, social, technical and technical occupations? Even in office occupations, personal contact is required in most cases.


Because there are several factors playing together…

We have always done so

Especially in Germany, it is incredibly difficult to cut off "old braids"… Which, of course, partly because of the fact that these old braids also keep some "parasites" alive.


Many AG are simply afraid of being able to "control" their "MA" just not all the time

3, lack of confidence in the MA

In the heads of the AG haunts because even the lack of confidence, say the MA makes a "Lazy Lenz" at home, which of course is nonsense, because just in the home office you can control the MA but perfectly better than operational.


Of course, each AG has a problem with it. Finally, he can no longer control with HO, who is there on the PC "read" and in certain industries, knowledge is not only power but worth cash.


I ask myself why are employers so old-fashioned and inflexible?

I'm a freight forwarder, area sea freight.

What good is it for me, or my customers, or my business partners, if I work at three in the night, because I want it that way, when nobody else is working but me? My job involves mainly communication, and time is the second most important key performance indicator for money. When my customer sends me a booking, it is usually about the booking as quickly as possible to process, and then just after the goods to be shipped as quickly as possible. For this, I have to ask the consignor for the details of the consignment, to ask shipping companies for departures and space and costs, to check with packaging companies and truck forwarding companies, at which times they can provide their services, also customs offices and warehouses and terminals are involved… It is already difficult enough to arrange a sea freight shipment at all so that it comes at best no waiting times (because the cost of money). The fact that some of the parties involved in sea freight are also based in other countries, sometimes with very different times, does not make it any easier anyway and makes sure that one loses a day and every now and then. If now also the domestic parties all work at different times and I have to wait for their information (mind you: not even the actual service!) Many hours, and best all at their own discretion to change their working hours also weekly or daily, so I do not even know when I can pass on an important info to A, because I do not know when I get the necessary other important information from B, because B still needs a confirmation from C, but unfortunately only four hours per Day works, and I also have to say D as soon as possible, if A agrees…

If I work in the office anyway, why not work at home?

Why you do not do that, I do not know, but I in my job must u. A. Issue bills of lading, these are securities, so they are a little bit important, have to be stamped and signed by my supervisor and then handed over to the client. So if I work at home, I either have to have a special printer at home to print the bills of lading, and I always need supplies of the forms, and I need the stamps, and my department manager must live with me too, and mine Customer has to come to my house to pick up the documents, OR I have to delegate this work to someone in the office, but why would my colleagues do my job just because I'm too good to go to the office?

So obviously your job is less time-sensitive and does not require any special equipment, and apparently you can work in it largely autonomously. That's nice for you, but to assume that all other professions are like that, for me, quite a stranger to the world, if I may write that way.


You speak with your question equal to several topics.

Home Office: This is a type of office work that can be done easily in certain professions and fields of work, or could, if better supported by employers. However, there are areas where it is simply not possible; I call, for example, the geriatric nurse or the butchery saleswoman. All occupations that need access to material, not just data, are automatically left out, as well as everything that has to do with advice and personal contact. In part, one could also in such occupations such. At the lawyer also provide a part of the job performance from home.
Confidence of the employer: an employer who allows his employees to work in the home office must be able to trust that they are actually working at home, so they must at least be able to monitor and verify their work results. And of course he has to overcome the fundamental mistrust that many employers have towards their employees. That is a fact, albeit a sad one.
Discipline: Those who work from home need organization and discipline. A man can't work in peace when children scurry between their legs and turn the house upside down. There are also people who just need the solid structure of the workplace to work properly. From a compulsive home office to save labor costs, I would strongly advise against. Not everyone is able to discipline themselves so much that they can stay focused and focused at work.
Working Time Laws: Working time legislation is rather rigid and essentially inflexible, as the underlying model is factory work from the 1950s, but does not take into account modern forms of work. On the other hand, an employee must definitely have a fixed free time and not be available around the clock for the needs of the employer. Thus, these provisions also cover the protection of the employee. The dispute will continue for a long time until the right to work time has been modernized to meet the demands of modern working life, while still guaranteeing the protection of workers.