Steam drive does not change?


My friend has a laptop where he wants to play the Steam game ARK with me.

Since he has very little hard disk capacity on his laptop, he has connected an EXTERNAL to Steam and the game. However, Steam installs the updates on the internal hard disk so C. He has already tried hard disk E as a standard hard disk but Steam does not accept it because C can't be deleted because it is still specified as the default. Hope you understand my dilemmer and can help me.



It may be that your friend played around on the partitions. But to be able to install games on the external hard disk at all, he first has to have Steam create a new library on the external hard disk.

There are many tutorials about it, but if it does not work write me a private message and I'll help you through TeamViever.


Thanks for the answer everything worked out.
He deleted everything from C and created a library on E.