Rent a computer over the Internet?


I work with 3D programs professionally and I need a reasonably good PC for my projects. I have this with me in my apartment. When I go to my parents now and then, e.g. Over the semester holidays, then I have to keep working on my laptop. I spent 800 euro on the back then, but I put more emphasis on the weight than on a good graphics card. The laptop is for university, I can do 3D on the big PC.

My plan was actually to go home to my parents for Christmas. Due to Covid, the plan was to stay longer, as the lockdown is much more pleasant in a large house than alone in a small apartment. However, now I've come to a point in my project where even my large PC is reaching its limits and the graphics card is very busy. My laptop definitely can't do that.

For the last few weeks I had been thinking about renting a PC via Shadow that I can use over the Internet. That's why I read through FAQs with you, where it says that the should be available relatively quickly after the purchase. Since I'm going home in two days, I tried to rent the whole thing today so that I still have time to move data over. Now, however, it turns out that it won't be available until April 29th, making this plan completely unusable for me.

My question: Are there any alternatives to Shadow that I might consider?


Depending on what hardware your PC has, another laptop might be better. You can rent some laptops from Media Markt.

What do you need the computing power for? Video rendering?


If you drive to your parents 'house, dismantle your PC and rebuild it at your parents' place, that's it


Leave the PC at home and switch to the computer remotely from the laptop, then the PC at home does the work. Otherwise, I tend to know companies that lease computers, but with a few exceptions these are more like game PCs and I'm not sure if you mean a Quadro by a good graphics card…


I think leaving the computer on for several weeks is a bit too long.
With a good graphics card I mean a 1080. I have a 1070 in my large PC. I would like to upgrade soon, but I still don't have the money


In short: you need power and want to be able to access your PC online?

Then take a look at the offers from

There you can rent fully-fledged gaming PCs and operate them via streaming (remote desktop). It is therefore also suitable for demanding work.

Disadvantage: The offer is very popular and unfortunately there's a longer waiting list.


I take the train. Don't have my own car. I live in Berlin, my parents on the Danish border


I actually planned to buy a new PC as soon as I found a job and then leave the old one with my parents. A new laptop wouldn't really be worth it, because I would have to lay down 1000 euro that I don't have lying around.


As I mentioned in my text, that was exactly my plan. I had already paid, but the PC will only be available on April 29, 2021 and I would need it over the Christmas period. That's why I'm looking for an alternative.


Just saw you wrote rent. Didn't know that was possible. Do I have to see if that is an option for me.
I need the power for 3D rendering, texturing and general work in 3D programs.


Sorry - skipped.
Unfortunately, I don't know of any other alternative!


Then shut down the PC and set "wake up on lan" in the BIOS and set everything up so that you can start the PC over the Internet from the laptop.

As for the GK, you meant game cards and not CAD cards, that's what I was getting at. Take a look at the 3060ti, you have about 36% gain and the card costs around 550-650 euro, if I have that in my head…