How to earn extra money?


So I'm 17 now, I'm training and earn about 1100.- a month, but I have to pay for food, etc., because I live alone (my parents pay the rent). Sometimes I'm really too worried about money, although I rarely treat myself and have a good wage. But to earn something by the way would not be bad. Have been doing surveys for a few months, but (like pretty much everyone else) have realized that it is never worthwhile, especially since 40% of the time I do not even belong to the desired target group. Together with my brother and his colleague, I started to sell stuff by drop shipping, but that does not mean that we're the only ones who are truly sustainable and profitable. What alternatives are there for earning extra money? Later I want to deal with investment instruments and forex trading, but that is still too early, without theoretical knowledge and experience, the money is quickly gone. I have so much time after work and school, as I said the whole week alone, as I said. I live in a small town, where there are not many shops and also on the streets is not busy. It would be better to have something on the internet or generally something that can be done with the computer / laptop.

(Do not get me wrong, I do not miss the money, I just think of other people of the same age that I know, who live at home and can save all the wages.So, the amount I spend on food, etc., is very high But I have to be grateful that my parents are taking the rent for me.)


Something like the drop - shipping or online marketing is not worth the time - wage ratio actually. Do not do that, you're wasting more time than making a profit. If you are female there are some benefits for which you will get a lot of money, otherwise I can recommend you selling medicinal herbs, in the industry you usually have a particularly high hourly pay.


Then a trade will have to register, Papi State also wants something from the cake.

if the parents pay the rent, and you do not get along with the money, you're doing something wrong


If you can get up early BEFORE working, then run out of the daily newspaper.

I have been doing this for years and have earned a good 350 euro every month. My tour (you quickly get it in half sleep, are always the same subscribers) I manage in 50 minutes. OK, I have to finish at 6 o'clock, but I've never had any problems with that.

I pay also from this mini-job in the pension, brings me with each year 5 euro more retirement pension claim… Does not sound like much, but läppert over the years then but.


What do you spend a lot of money on? I mean, if your parents pay the rent there should be a lot left.


For pretty much nothing, as I said I rarely begrudge me expensive things. I just think it's blatant when I look at my account and realize that I've spent over 1000.- for food so far.


What kind of food do you buy?


What do you mean by "unable to cope with the money"?


1100, - in a training plus rental sponsorship - so you have more net income than some finished workers.

Additional jobs: carry out newspapers, waiters, shelves in the morning, bicycle messenger, salesman, i'm. Cinema job…


1000, - for food? In which period? Where are you going to eat?

Tip: budget book lead, there are also apps for. And every day to record exactly how much you spend. Each month by standing order to transfer a certain amount directly to another account for saving (eg In the amount of rent, so you get a feel for how much money your life actually costs). Divide the rest into weekly packages.


Yes, good idea, thanks!