Internet alternative to Wi-Fi and cable? Landlord wants to cut the connection?


The following problem: My landlord (75 years old, technophob, I live on the 2nd floor of his house) often has Wi-Fi connection problems and thinks I'm responsible. It has a 5G and 2.4 G network and as far as I was able to test it correctly, the networks do not influence each other much. I use his 5 G network, he the 2.4 G network and we did a speed test while I was streaming in the 5 G, the speed of the 2.4 G was not affected. I asked why he doesn't want to use the 5G network and I'll take the slower one instead, but he's very paranoid and often thinks if people can hack him. It is very difficult to explain technical things to him. Anyway, he wants to stay in the 2.4 G, well…

Now he wrote to me I had to look for another way to get Internet access, because he often has connection problems and wants a stable Internet. He also has a very strange contract, paying 150 euro a month for internet and phone. I was stunned when I heard this. He also wants to quit, but never gets around to it. I offered him to do a normal contract somewhere else for around 30 euro and we split it 50/50, but somehow he doesn't want that either. I also recommended to him to go to the Internet via cable for more stability, instead of Wi-Fi, because he sits with his laptop only 2 meters from the router, I would even give him a Wi-Fi cable, these things cost nothing. He doesn't want to either.

In any case, he said to me I have to look for another option.

If I now make my own Internet contract with my own router, then I would still have to use his DSL socket and I can imagine that, with all his paranoia, he doesn't want that either. So what other options do I have? Surf stick? This will probably be quite expensive as I also watch films / games etc. Online.

If that's the only option, I'll probably deduct the cost from the rent, since he's not ready to make a sensible contract and split it 50/50.

What are the possibilities?


A gigaCube, a kind of Wi-Fi box, would be good, all you need is a socket


He has a 5G and 2.4 G network

5 GHz and 2.4 GHz. 5G is something else.

If I now make my own Internet contract with my own router, then I would still have to use his DSL socket

There's no telephone socket in your apartment? Is there a cable connection for television?

So what other options do I have? Surf stick?

Surf stick
LTE router

This will probably be quite expensive as I also watch films / games etc. Online.

According to, there are also LTE tariffs with unlimited volume for less than 40 euro per month.

If that's the only option I'll probably deduct the cost from the rent

This is very thin ice. As long as no corresponding agreement has been concluded in the rental contract, there's no reason for. When in doubt, the following dispute becomes very expensive.


Give free Wi-Fi cables, these things don't cost anything.

… And one of the tried and tested Siemens air hooks too. They don't cost anything either.

I think vera… Your landlord can do it himself.

The only question that needs to be answered is: Do you have in the rental agreement that you can use the landlord's Wi-Fi? If this has not been expressly agreed, you have absolutely no right to surf the internet on your landlord's internet connection. Then your landlord is right.

then I would still have to use his DSL socket

No, you can have your own line from Telekom. Your landlord would have to approve that.

What about the cable connection in this house? Is there a TV cable connection? Then you could complete the Internet use with the provider.


Only for the FS: I couldn't think of anything to add.


No, you can have your own line from Telekom. Your landlord would have to approve that.

"Telekom" in the sense of "network provider".

Background: A telephone connection is a fundamental right. That must not be denied.
The fact that "telephone connections" are nowadays implemented via IP-based connections naturally means that this connection can also be used to access the Internet.


Correct, where there are alternatives.

Such could be:

Electricity network operator

Municipal utilities or their communication network operators, such as B. M-Net in Munich

Cable TV companies (mostly only Vodafone or regional)

Fiber optic network operators where something like this already exists.


Thanks for your answer, but one more question:

"What about the cable connection in this house? Is there a TV cable connection?"

With a TV cable connection, the signal is split over several households, which means that I have to reckon with fluctuations and drops in speed, especially during rush hour. Or am I wrong?


Thank you first for your answer.

There's no telephone socket in my room (on the 2nd floor of my landlord's house). A TV cable, yes, but I would have to convert his telephone socket (I would have to look for it first, the cable disappears into the wall) into a multimedia socket, which he may not like. And internet via TV connection is subject to strong fluctuations because, unlike DSL, several households share the signal, or am I wrong?


There's no telephone socket in my room (on the 2nd floor of my landlord's house). A TV cable yes, but I would have to convert his telephone socket (I would have to look for it first, the cable disappears into the wall) into a multimedia socket,

A box can be filled, e.g. B. A tin can or money box. Or you shoot with it, e.g. B. With an air sleeve. You mean a socket. And no, you don't convert a telephone jack into a multimedia jack. Let his phone jack be a phone jack. It's about the antenna connection in your room. It has nothing to do with the phone, or do you receive the TV program over the phone? Vodafone offers internet via TV cable. Inquire at Vodafone whether this is also available from you. Possibly. Does the antenna socket in your room have to be replaced. However, this is reversible and should not concern the landlord.

And internet via TV connection is subject to strong fluctuations because, unlike DSL, several households share the signal, or am I wrong?

That is so wrong across the board. So far I understood you to want to have an internet connection. You have not yet said that you only want a DSL connection. Then LTE would also be eliminated. LTE is funk, that's not perfect either.


In my experience you see this as too problematic, but the assessment is not entirely wrong.


I want an internet connection, but a stable one. And after what I've read, DSL seemed to me to be more stable, since every household has its own access to the distributor. I just want to be on the safe side and not always have to hope that my internet will stay stable because my neighbor XY might be streaming 4K or something.


Then go to the provider of your choice with the technology of your choice and ask how and whether you can set up a connection. I have given you the alternatives. You are responsible for the selection and checking for feasibility. You are also responsible for checking whether a connection variant meets your requirements. Naturally, I do not provide any information about the performance of a possible connection under conditions unknown to me.


You can always make a contract - Wi-Fi - for you, you get a modem.