Device for filing movie files from the digital camera?


I have a problem here and although I would like to take my digital camera LUMIX and my action cam on holiday next year to make my vacation movies. The problem is, in the Lumix is an 8GB memory card as well as in the action cam a 32GB memory card. Since I would like to record several film scenes and dewegen so a memory card is very quickly full, my question would be whether there's a device in handy execution what I take on vacation to the movie files that I have made so far to be able to lay and thus mine Memory card would be free again for new filming. Later, after the vacation, I could shovel all the movie files onto my PC. That's why I do not want to have to buy a laptop just for this purpose because it would be nonsense to unnecessarily high costs. Because I have a PC tower that is enough for me completely and need no folding computer on top of it and not necessarily 20 memory cards that I would have to take there. Is there a way to buy such a device which should not be too expensive?


You need a device with a monitor, because probably, when the memory card emptied, the files were deleted, new data with the same numbers stored.

In the second attempt to transfer the data, this would either be denied or the old data overwritten.

You have to create folders, change file names, copy operations, etc. Can see.