Which wireless camera / IP camera is suitable for my project or how expensive would it be?


I would like to start a surveillance project.
My plan: Buy a wireless camera / IP camera and then connect it to the home Wi-Fi. I still have a server in my home network. With this I would like to evaluate the data or stream the camera live. Of course, the camera should also have a memory card on it, on which all the video material is stored. Say: The camera sends the current video recordings to the server and I then watch them on my laptop:
Camera -> Server -> Laptop. The problem I see with this thing: I need a camera with a range of 600 meters. Is this possible via WLAN or should you use something else?
How expensive would it be if you needed such a camera range (something like that under 100 euro?). Or can you somehow amplify the signals (amplifiers) that this is still possible over 600 meters?


There are a lot of cameras, I don't want to make any selection.

On the question of range.
If you have visual contact between the transmitter and receiver, you only need a directional antenna on both sides. These are also available in large numbers - simple search for a term brings the results.
If you want to read something like this, I recommend this:



If you want to get that right, you have to do it differently.

Obtain legal advice before being dragged before the lawyer for "surveillance".
Purchase a NAS device with a monitoring station (have the QNAP devices on board as standard.) And connect them to a compatible network camera. In the combo you have as much recording space as you allow the NAS and via apps access options via smartphone. Of course I can also access it via a web interface (for the laptop).

The NAS combo offers you a lot of freedom and great flexibility.

If you are concerned with security aspects, then better use wired cameras in the LAN. For 200 to 300 euro, you can get devices (SDR) from specialist retailers that can block almost the entire frequency range of the ISM, radio and mobile radio sectors and more.
It is not only possible for outspoken professionals and croesus to block and switch off your surveillance system for little money.


The route is uneven (trees are in between.


Try it out and build an antenna yourself. So build and then run to your destination with your cell phone. Watch the signal strength.



Make with cable, everything else is cheese. With a cable you would have to go too

with WLAN, in order to supply the camera with power - so rather put a network cable down and make the supply via PoE.