Clip Studio Paint won't start?


I installed Clip Studio Paint, but it just doesn't start. Now that I've switched to a new Windows version and reinstalled my laptop, Clip Studio just doesn't want to start, no matter how often I reinstall it.

I'm slowly desperate because I've got a new Wacom and want to use it, and I have to finish a picture for school by tomorrow. What can I do?


Check out the event log. With luck, it will tell you what the problem is. Maybe it collides with a driver. Or have you tried to start it when the wacom is not connected?


I already started it with and without wacom, i will now take a look at the event log, thanks


And what does the protocol say?


Sorry that I only answer now, it says that the ucrtbase.dll module is faulty, but now I don't know what to do. Do you have an idea?


I can't say exactly now either. In any case, I would remove all graphics tablet drivers (also from a possibly older tablet) and see if it works.


And if in doubt, write to Clip Studio support, that's what they're there for.


Then I'll do it, if that doesn't work I'll get in touch with support, thank you very much.