I'm looking for a program on my laptop, but I do not think so, what to do?


I'm looking for the standard paint but can't find it. Thing following is: I have just been a new laptop, again with Windows 10, but this I find only Paint3D, but my old laptop had the normal paint. Have seen, that I would have to have paint, because when downloading a program my PC has said "with which program should this file be opened" the normal paint was available to choose from. So now it has turned out for me that I can't find this normal paint. I then googled how to look for a program on his PC, but unfortunately, Paint still does not show up, although I seem to have it installed on my PC. Now the question: How can I get a symbol of this program on the screen, so I do not have to search so stupidly for Paint, whereby I somehow do not find Paint?


The normal paint is from Windows 10 no longer as a starter program.
You can, however, simply download and install Manuel on the Internet.


That would be new to me.


Look here:

C: \ ProgramData \ Microsoft \ Windows \ Start Menu \ Programs \ Accessories

or In

C: \ WINDOWS \ system32

to mspaint.exe

otherwise download and install new:



I believe that MS Paint is no longer being developed and therefore it is no longer preinstalled on newer computers with Windows 10.


I believe the "standard" paint has been removed and replaced with this paint 3D.

According to this article, you can get it back via the Windows 10 Store:
