Broken laptop due to water damage?


I have a problem Water was spilled on my laptop keyboard earlier, but I didn't know that the laptop couldn't be turned on afterwards, so I wiped off the water and just kept working. But a little later the laptop switched itself off completely and now it no longer opens. Do you know what to do there and whether the laptop is completely broken now?


Maybe you should go to a PC repair shop. There was probably a short circuit!


Let the laptop dry in peace and then try to turn it on. Nobody here can tell you whether that will work. Most of the time the part was finally broken when it was switched on because there was a short circuit.


Place over a heater overnight. Not right on it.


Sure, let it dry. Stand upside down overnight. Close to the heater - but please not directly on the heater ;-)
The next day, the problem should be resolved if it was related to water.


It's probably too late by now as the laptop shorted out. You can still try to take out the battery and set up the laptop above or next to a heater in an "inverted V-shape" and wait 3-4 days.

But it is unlikely that it was not damaged. So you would have to back up your data (or first remove the hard drive) and buy a new one.

How do you even come to the conclusion that you can continue to use a non-waterproof electronic device after a glass of water has been poured on it? 😂


The next day the problem should be resolved

Parts damaged by the short circuit replace themselves or what?