Pro Con Use arguments for laptops in Uni as a transcript?


I have to write an essay in German, whether it makes sense to write with laptops in the lecture, or not. Speaking of this, I'm currently looking for pros and cons arguments and studies that I can integrate into the essay.

A clear advantage of the laptop is, of course, that everything is stored in the computer and you do not have to take all the scripts with you.

One drawback, however, is that knowledge does not solidify as much as writing on paper.

Do you have any further arguments?

And do you have any suitable studies?

I'm happy about your arguments and I'm also open to discuss this topic with you here.


Imagine 30 students clapping on the keyboard…

besides, can every 10-finger?


Sketches and formulas are drawn faster with pen and paper than on a laptop (unless the laptop supports pen input, but then either everything is handwritten or you have to switch between keyboard and pen input).

In addition, in a hard drive crash all notes are gone, if you do not make diligent backups.

If a script is available for the lecture, you can annotate it on the laptop (assuming pen input) instead of completing it, freeing up resources that are otherwise bound by super fast brushing, but at the same time reducing concentration.


I think it's an advantage that you are much faster. So I'm typing on the keyboard much faster than if I had to write it with a pen

In addition, you can (depending on the device) make everything very clear. It without much effort in tables, graphics, diagrams, etc. Arrange and insert and maybe even a picture of it if you need for example an example