I need your help People, when and how do I ask you if they want to be with me?


So after my last Comic Con, I started talking to someone who worked at the Con last Thursday. I did not really see them at the con and I was so busy that I greeted them sicjer but well…

Anyway, we started writing on Thursday about Insta and written 5h then on Saturday evening we talked about teamspeak on sunday we have written a lot dan and in the evening on whatsapp phone calls since we write extremely much and tonight we call again… Soe lives stop very far away and a meeting is not so easy soon (I do not want to leave that with the long-distance relationship because that is not an option). I would like to ask her if she wants to be with me she has 1: 1 the same passions as I do, the same interests, I just feel a conection I've never had with anyone before and I made her a present as well you will receive wrsl by mail on thursday. I know that she will be very excited because it will match her cosplay and that in the movie it is a first proof of love from two characters… The question is thursday too soon? Would you ask by phone or Skype if my laptop is already dan again…

Thanks in advance for any helpful answer and apologize now for the bad spelling


Say, you've never met in person, and you want to propose a relationship?

Leave that if you do not want to be laughed at…


You only know each other since last Thursday, too early, much too early. Your feelings could change anytime. Although you are young and full of energy, you should not immediately jump into a relationship. Long distance relationships almost never last. Wait, meet her a couple of times, plan well. Possibly. Stop your feelings but if you're sure (after the meetings), ask her.