Arguments for a laptop?


Icv wants a laptop for Christmas but my parents think it's nonsense because I have an IPad. I need arguments for a laptop so I would appreciate helpful answers 😅

please only pro arguments


Isn't an Ipad enough?

Just attach a keyboard to the Ipad


In order to give you arguments, we also have to know what you need it for…

Just watch videos? You will probably need him less there.
And with business work, who would have thought it, you probably can't argue either


First of all it depends what you want to do with it?

please only pro arguments

Then you could save yourself the question because you just want your opinion confirmed and you don't care whether it makes sense or not anyway.

Since a laptop costs a lot of money, you should ask yourself the question do you really need one, or do you want to have one so you can say you have one? I guess your parents will buy you one if you really need one.


Yes the problem is just that with the home button


So for school work, yes?
Guess that's not such a strong argument because it works on the iPad…


You only need a laptop because of the home button? Lmao


Because of a home button?


Boa nt just because of that! There are no writing programs on the iPad like Word or Paint


You can download Word