Why is electro-scrap not used in Germany?


Hello people at the recycling depot, some 80% of our functioning PCs, laptops and laptops are smashed away

you can't take it and it lands in africa on the markets it is recycled,

why does the recycling yard pay electronic scrap abroad?


Nothing is given away, it's sold (scrap is a very lucrative business at times). It is worthwhile not to dismantle the old equipment here, the labor costs are simply too high.


Because you can't simply burn these "merchandise" in Germany on open fires to recycle the precious metals.

That's why some states are now refusing to let such "assets" into the country. The first containers have already been rejected. The fall then probably during the return journey somewhere in the water


Just torch off at any beach, of course, is cheaper


You can assume that the valuable parts were previously exploited. And the waste disposal is sometimes not as strictly regulated as in Central Europe.


That should change, allegedly, according to the government. Thanks to engineers, it is possible today to recycle these things in such a way that no toxic emissions / substances get into the air. Even dioxins, so toxic substances can filter out. The preferred medium is combustion. I saw that myself. Nothing is as final as fire. All that remains is a bag of dust that is then stored deep under the earth / shaft forever. A new idea is to shoot him into space on Nevermore.