What can I wish for Christmas 2018?


Hey I'm a 14 year old girl and I'm already thinking about what I want for Christmas but unfortunately I have so much so please no laptop TV, tablet or new deco o and no I'm not spoiled the things are all over 3 years old and have mostly saved for a long time.


So we also have a 14-year-old daughter, you sure like to experience what's happening in the world. Get a holiday, maybe you have a girlfriend who has the same desire.


If you already have everything, why do you want more? Ask your parents to donate the money or donate it yourself.


As a Christmas present, this would probably be overkill.


Hmm… The purpose of giving is not in the first place to accumulate items such as laptop, etc… But a pleasure. So the question arises, what would you be happy about? An item that you may be able to use for your hobby, book, movie, cinema voucher, musical visit, weekend getaway in amusement park…
The more you have, the more I would recommend something that "consumes"… Or money, what you can use flexibly. :-p

But if you feel desperately happy, you just do not want anything… Maybe you'll get symbolic trivia and you'll just enjoy Christmas… Or you'll be surprised with something.