Tax declaration student / job?


I worked 6 months in 2018 and started studying in October. At my job, I received a total of about 11000 euro gross.

When I did my tax return then I let it run on such a computer and have only cost for laptop phone rides etc. For the year 2018 specify. Then when I entered my payroll the refund rate dropped by about 500 euro…

it is probably correct but I can't specify my phone and laptop until next year? This is somehow not considered here

I paid the laptop in full in 2018. The mobile phone is over installment 2 years and I also completed the contract in 2018.


Why do you want to specify laptop and mobile phone? What is that supposed to help? I do not understand.


How is that supposed to work? As a refund stop. Why should it not bring anything


Since when can you sell private purchases?


The question is whether there's a professional connection.

higher purchases must be split over several years.

the private use is calculated out.

a part is already included in the advertising cost of the lump sum.

then only the exceeding part counts.


The laptop is 100% not private for the university. And I also use the mobile phone for university purposes. According to various templates and information on different pages, this is perfectly legitimate. That is not the content of my question


Mobile phones and laptops have no professional connection with my job at the company. Only for the university I need them. Especially the laptop


I dare to doubt that you can drop that off. In particular, the statement that you use the laptop exclusively for the university I hold for exaggerated. And what do you do with the mobile phone for the university? What proportion of mobile phone use is "university"?


I got the laptop for the university. Have not had a pc for 8 years or needed so why now. I needed my cell phone for the university in relation to the fact that I can receive information about events on the way and keep in touch with fellow students. And still this is not part of my question, as this is already clear


Is it possible that the purchase costs only for next year or is it only in the year of purchase? And how is that if, as my phone, an installment is present


If there's no professional connection then this is your PPrivatsache.

the expenses are not included in your tax return.


If you can't sell it - which I think strongly - then it does not matter in which year you want to specify it…


The study then counts as a professional activity.

So if I do it all so cell phone laptop semester posts track etc but do not pretend that I worked then I would get more of the tax back.

That does not make sense.

Because if I just enter my job an amount comes out and I can have so many other costs that does not matter. Can I omit my job or how?


So with a single, the basic allowance is 9,000 euro in 2018 + 1,000 euro flat fee, so at least 10,000 euro are income tax free; with pension costs (max 1,900 euro) max. 11,900 euro!

What do you want to specify as a laptop?

it is probably correct but I can't specify my phone and laptop until next year?

Only as an AfA could you spread it over 3 years…


I think we're talking at cross purposes…

I can drop it off to study, just like teachers but not for the full time I had. This was in the same year.

So, if I only mention the cost of studying and leaving out of work, I will be given a higher amount than I'm told to work

My question is the further procedure. So should I just omit my job or can I just drop my phone and co next year?


With the income tax free means for me then what?


You can't sell the phone. No matter when and under what conditions. It simply does not work.

If you have a 10% share of private use, you can't sell it completely; only partially. For this you have to prove the time of use and the tax office must agree.

With the mobile phone you are guaranteed over 10% private use; the laptop is very strong. In addition, depending on what your laptop has cost, you can only sell it in part anyway.


That's your allowance as a single…


If I can't put my phone down why can I enter it with student templates?

that is indeed created by financial and Steueexperten


Unfortunately, I'm not familiar with tax law at all. Can you explain that a bit more precisely?


Because you may be able to sell it partially. But if you write "cell phone, 600 euro, please deduct", then that's not guaranteed to happen. Otherwise, students could drop off any nonsense.

You can deduct what you need for work / study. What you need but laptop and mobile phone for studying is highly questionable. In addition, it is questionable whether you need eg a 800 euro cell phone or if a 200 euro would be enough.


That means exactly to me?

Is it possible now at least in terms of the laptop to sell him next year?

or as already asked to omit the occupation?


So you can only fully specify your laptop as advertising costs / work equipment, if the private use is less than 10% of the total use - is possibly audited by the tax office: - ((

If the laptop cost over 488 euro (410 euro + VAT) then you can spread this amount over 3 years; so laptop costs 600 euro, then in 2018 pro rata 200 euro depreciation (deduction for wear), in 2019 200 euro depreciation and the rest in 2020 with 200 euro depreciation!


Ah ok I understand. I have read something of up to 800 euro and still up to 103 euro not liable. So I have no evidence of the costs

So a flat rate


Are right - is new in 2018:

Line 41 and 42 Expenses for work equipment

The tools include tools, typical work clothes, trade journals, etc. You can't only start with the acquisition costs, but also the costs of repairs and cleaning. Equipment that does not cost more than 800 euro (without sales tax), you can fully settle in the year of payment. If the acquisition costs more than 800 euro, you must distribute these over the years of normal useful life.

How much did your laptop cost?


My laptop was about 822 euro

So just over it. Do I have to divide the same for several years or can I now also 800 and next year 22nd Or can I say otherwise ok then I raise only "claim" to 800 euro


This is to divide to 3 years depreciation; it is calculated on a monthly basis (if the laptop was purchased in September, the depreciation in the year of purchase is calculated at 4/12 of the purchase price). It should also be noted that i.d.l has a private share of 30%. You would have to prove a lower private share. And you also have no "claim" on the 800 euro - the colleagues will certainly want to see the bill.

With the mobile phone that is a thing - I would recognize it to be at most 30% as overburdened, if no higher proportion is proven.

And as far as the 103 euro are concerned without proof: this is a non-legal limit, which is not set by law. So if the processor in the tax office wants to see evidence for it, then they must also be presented.