What can you do against fear of the laptop?


Moin, my question may be a bit embarrassing, but it concerns me.

I have a meeting with friends on Friday and Saturday. We're 3.

We want to gamble there and so

I have a laptop and would then take my laptop, mouse and keyboard (around 1400 euro in total) with me.

I'm afraid that something will break.

On the one hand during the outward journey and on the return journey but also suburb (guys go crazy sometimes)

My laptop is very thick and it is already a bit broken (hinged).

Now I'm afraid that something will break or something.

Can you give me tips on how I can transport the laptop and so easily there? Or how can I reduce anxiety?


I think that's a very strange fear and would really recommend you to contact a psychologist.


It's not really a fear but a worry.


I can still understand that, but you step into it very much.

The following wrap a thin blanket around the laptop and if there's still a large suitcase at home then put the PC in there and stuff all corners with newspaper, then nothing can really happen.


Thank you

That helped me

I always used a backpack.

I only took a suitcase that was so big. Hm


The main thing is that the PC is well received. So take a large Reidkoffer and contact me later if you like whether everything has arrived safely. You and your PC🙂


Many thanks…

I try to remember that I write to you whether my laptop / PC is well received.


Be glad that you now have laptops to drive on LANs…

I used to drive around half of Germany with the tower PC, including water cooling, screen, keyboard and mouse, and nothing broke…

Your fear is therefore unfounded, but the solution with the suitcase and various blankets and towels in it is quite good…


Everything arrived safely…


Well supi I'm happy now but Of course it stays that way. Not think about it too often. Have fun all of you together and stay healthy 🤗 Get in touch when you're back🙂


Aww… 🤗 You are really nice and personable 🥺 You helped me… Thank you! I'll get in touch (around 7 p.m.)


Thank you that is very nice of you 🤗 Great that I was able to help a little. See you later. I'll have a look here tonight. Still lots of fun together. Lg Sky…


Yes you really calmed me down!

I'm home now and everything works and nothing broke…

I'm very tired now but it was a lot of fun!


I'm happy that you can now sleep without worries. And for the next thing you now know how to pack everything.

Take good care of yourself and stay healthy 🤗