How can you defend yourself against pickpockets?


Today a trained pickpocket stole my cell phone. He sprinted past me and probably reached into my pocket.

I then blocked everything possible.

* Seemed to be a professional, he also stole everything so that you can't trace him. *

Question: How can I use myself against pickpockets? Can I use my self-defense skills against him on property?

Can currently only communicate via laptop.


I always have my wallet and cell phone in inside pockets, even if I have a handbag with me. Otherwise I always leave the handbag on the front of my body and only have one with a zipper. Self-defense might be negative for you in hindsight.


Keep the bag closed
Keep your cell phone and wallet out of reach
Wrap bags around your hand or body

Yes, you can defend yourself against theft.


My inside pocket is too small for my large cell phone


There are also simple pockets that you can put your cell phone in. You can still wear them under your jacket / coat. Or leave it completely at home.


I had it in my left jacket pocket and he was still able to steal it from there.


Luckily there wasn't my wallet, it would have been worse.


Then you probably had the jacket open.


I had it on the side pocket, yes that was stupid!


Can I use my self-defense skills against him on property?

He sprinted past me and probably reached into my pocket.

I don't want to question your blatant skills, but to defend yourself you should have noticed it first.


That's why my cell phone and wallet are always in an extra compartment with a zipper in my pocket. And above all, never unattended. My bag is always in the front where I can see it and I always have one hand near the bag.


No, you are not allowed to take physical action against someone like that.

Hold on or something okay, hit it no.

Have valuables on your body, be attentive and not pound around blindly, if necessary draw attention to the thief out loud, make a complaint in any case.

And as I said, put away valuables well, don't make it easy for them.


Since I'm a man, I don't always have a handbag with me like women do!


I noticed it, it was just gone in a flash, otherwise it would have rattled!


Always keep backpacks closed and never leave the zippers up. That's why I don't wear backpacks 😂


I have a backpack on my back so I can't see it!


Oh no really? I really wouldn't have thought now.