Would you consider such a person as a hopeless case (psychology)?


, He is 23 years old and suffers from extreme social phobia. His fear of social contact with people is so extreme that he isolates himself completely from the outside world for several months and locks himself in his room at every opportunity, where he lies in bed with his laptop all day and is on the Internet.

He only goes out of the house to buy food. When he is out and about, he keeps looking at the floor while running, for fear of eye contact. And when he's on the bus, he gets very nervous and starts to sweat because he thinks everyone looks at and criticizes him.

He often only goes out at night when there are few people around, which is still very difficult for him. It is also very difficult for him to eat in public. If there are a lot of people at the McDonalds, he takes the food to the toilet and continues eating there. ''

Would you consider someone like that untreatable?


This person is not untreatable, but definitely needs therapy! The social phobia limits him significantly in everyday life, especially the food in the toilet has touched me personally and made me sad. He lives his life under a permanent stress that he is exposed to every day just to avoid people.
Since humans are social beings and depend on relationships with other people, therapy is definitely necessary. It may be a difficult path, but this person (if he has successfully completed the therapy) can lead a normal life without being under constant stress.


No person is '' untreatable ''. Everyone can get help if they want. Social phobia is more pronounced in one and not in another, that's always different. But everyone is treatable and can / may get therapy. However, therapy only works if the patient is also willing to work on himself.


No absolutely not, it can also be a phase, I speak from experience. The person may have had a bad experience with people, and rightly so, and there are also those types of personality who are more lonely than people.


Ps that with the in the toilet is already sick. He has to work on his setting.