Find perfect student tablet?


I'm looking for a tablet (first of all no matter what brand)

It should have a pen for the university and work in such a way that I can create different folders and save the slides there. The slides should then be synonymous editable that I can mark there and write in the slides.

In addition, it would be great if there was an external keyboard, it has enough space but not as big as a laptop. Also, battery life is important if I keep working on it, in the best case the battery should last for a day or more.

I have a price range up to about 500 euro.

I hope you can help me and have suggestions for me and maybe some tips.


Market leader in tablets is by far Apple. I would recommend you an iPad in your price range and buy a third-party keyboard. One can also save on the price to use used, e.g. On sites like rebuy. Since I have had very good experience and bought devices in almost mint condition for a good price.


But the best would still be for studying a laptop. Since I speak from my own experience


I currently have one and I'm a little dissatisfied, because I always have everything with the slides and Co must match.


Is there something I should look for in the iPad?


Do you have to adjust the Ipad because no slides? I do not really understand what you mean.