Wohnamt may not say what you can work as a student?


I have a question about the Wohnamt and especially about housing subsidies. I'm a student and I live in housing and live alone. In April of last year, I applied for a living allowance because I did not receive a student loan and no student loan. The domicile has me darufhin calculated a contribution and I then got for 3 months about then it was said I earn apparently more than considered (I've worked in the month about 250 euro bisdahin) and then everything was then recalculated and the overpaid amount I had to give back. Since the problem is I worked a bit more at the time so that I could pay for my laptop and mobile phone. My laptop was still funded. I also went to the residential office and have talked with the clerk and asked what I should do if I have to work like now more to be able to finance my things. A mobile phone and a laptop I umbedingt in the study and what brings me the help of the residential office if you me the amount I work more for me. To be able to finance the semester contribution from the housing allowance? That makes no sense and then they still say to me again and again "they have a mundane deficit of about 100 euro to live from where they hollow out this? And how can they live like that?" I'm already very economical I try where possible to compare prices so I do not pay too much… I have a consumption of 400 kWh per year some friends think I live with candles at home. When I also asked "is there an amount that I can orient myself to because I need to know how much I get so that I do not go to work unnecessarily and for the uni must dance" I was told that can't be said. It depends on many factors. Which factors? More than live alone? Do you receive financial support from your parents? How much do you earn on average? And what is your rent? Can't it be right?

Does one of you know if they might do something wrong or not?


WHAT you can and can do, get the local JobCenter. What should the housing office have to do with it?


Sorry - hard but realistically expressed - even if it is difficult for you to understand - the taxpayer is not there (indirectly) to finance your private needs (laptop, etc.) on housing subsidies.


You can work as much as you want, the Housing Agency is interested only in your income, not whether you skip college for it. I know quite a lot of students who work without skipping the university.


The JC is not responsible for students (or only in "exotic" exceptional cases): https://www.mystipendium.de/studienfinanzierung/hartz4-student


You can also find jobs for students in the JobCenter. Everything up to 20 hours a week.


How can I handle that because if I z.b. Also pay in one year long term study fees. Since I have to work now but more to put this aside, but if I then work more again my housing money is recalculated and I get less so in the end + - 0 right?


Of course, I realize that I did not want to pay my living with housing money. My housing allowance and my child allowance go all for my rent on it. Is there a minimum amount you get? So I know what to expect.


A minimum amount to be paid / expected housing money does not exist, but in order to be able to claim housing money at all, you have to prove a minimum income.