Can you read my text please?


I have found that distance learning and classroom teaching have their advantages and disadvantages. As in the previous school year, I had to get used to the distance e-learning phase again. Usually you do the tasks in a familiar school atmosphere, where you are not distracted.

The advantages of distance learning would be that you can do your tasks anywhere at any time and you don't have to get up early, you also save yourself the trip to school and can do your tasks on the laptop and therefore don't have to lug books back and forth. The online meetings are also beneficial, as anyone can attend from home and talk to anyone.

The disadvantages include the loss of social contacts and the traditional teacher-student relationship is missing. In addition, it is not optimal for low-performing students to do the tasks alone, as it is often necessary to deal intensively with the student.

The advantages of face-to-face teaching include more structure in everyday life because you have fixed times and breaks. Furthermore, the personal exchange between teacher and student is better. If a student needs help, the teacher can help them right away or show them how it works. The subject matter can be better explained for students who are not very knowledgeable. Working out group work is much easier than in distance learning.

The disadvantages would be that you have to get up very early in the morning to go to school. Students with different levels of learning could be over- or under-promoted. The disruptive factor caused by students who show no interest in the class is greater than in distance learning.

All in all, you can say that it is up to you whether you like to work from home or at school.

If you find any mistakes, please correct them, thank you in advance.


Very good! But distance learning has nothing to do with the question of time. If your class starts at 8:00 am, it will start at 8:00 am.


Quite good in itself. As a disadvantage for face-to-face teaching, I wouldn't necessarily bring that you have to get up in the morning. Because you also have to do that in distance learning, the only difference being that you don't have to leave the house to take part in the class.
Furthermore, I would not end your statement with, "All in all, one can say that it is up to everyone whether they like to work from home or at school.", Because the decision whether to attend classroom teaching or distance learning is unfortunately not up to you. You could say something like, "The most common teaching method is face-to-face teaching. In this way, the subject matter is taught more intensively in direct personal contact with the student and questions can be answered without additional electronic means. Due to various circumstances and the fact that the technology is advanced enough, another alternative teaching method has been launched to continue teaching all students. " write.

Another possible disadvantage of distance learning could be that it is easier to distract yourself with other things such as video games during class. After all, the teacher has no access to your desktop and therefore not to all open background programs.

Or another disadvantage, especially at the beginning of the pandemic, where distance learning was introduced, was or is (don't know how it is up to date) that the parents have to deal with the subject matter, depending on the school career and current occupation, can be difficult for parents. As an example, I would like to cite more complex math problems that are not needed again and again in every job after school. In doing so, one likes to forget a lot and is no longer able to give adequate tutoring.

I once copied your text and rewritten it as I would do it. Above all, I deleted unnecessary descriptions and expanded arguments that were too short:

"I have found that distance learning and face-to-face teaching have their advantages and disadvantages. As in the previous school year, I had to get used to the distance e-learning phase again. Normally you do the tasks in a familiar school atmosphere, where you don't easily distracted.

One advantage of distance learning is that you can do your tasks at any place at any time. Furthermore, you save yourself the trip to school and can do your tasks on the laptop and therefore don't have to carry any books with you. The online meetings are also beneficial, as anyone can attend from home and talk to anyone.

One of the disadvantages is the loss of social contacts and the traditional teacher-student relationship is missing. In addition, it is not optimal for low-performing students to do the tasks alone, as it is often necessary to deal intensively with the student.

Face-to-face teaching is advantageous in the sense that you have more structure in everyday life, as there are fixed times and breaks for everyone. Another advantage is the better personal exchange between teacher and student. If a student needs help, the teacher can help him immediately and directly. The learning material can be explained more directly and without additional electronic equipment for students who can't absorb the school material so quickly. Working out group work is much easier through personal contact.

The disadvantages would be that you have to get up early in the morning to go to school. Students with different learning levels can be overwhelmed or under-challenged. The disruptive factor caused by students who show no interest in the class is greater than in distance learning.

Ultimately, you can say that it is up to you which teaching method is better for you. "

I would like to emphasize that my rewritten version is NOT A SAMPLE SOLUTION.
I like to say it again in a nutshell: NO SAMPLE SOLUTION!

You are welcome to write a comment about changes or questions.