What hardware specification do you need for video editing and 3D animation?


I want to buy a new computer (or laptop) that is suitable for video editing and 3D animation, as well as for music production.

My question, do you need 64gb Ram, the latest GPU flagship and the best processor or can you already work well with less power and if so which one?

I'm totally insecure, I really don't know enough about it and I don't know what to look for because there are so many factors (e.g. I've heard that a wrong mainboard can weaken the overall performance or that the CPU and GPU don't work well together)

I would be interested in whether there are finished products or ready-made recommended and tested lists with specs. I think in order to really see through these factors, I would have to dig into the subject for years. What matters more to me is the creative processes with which I want to start promptly.

And do you get there with say 2000 euro or do you have to spend more money in your hand? (also in relation to notebooks.)

So it is important to me to work smoothly and smoothly in the areas mentioned. (Everything visual also in 4k vlt also with several screens in parallel)

Music production using DAW probably eats the least power there…

I would be happy about tips and recommendations and about the information whether this is even possible with a budget of 2000 euro


Have a look at hardwaredealz.de at Gaming PCs.

Since the video editing performance is always evaluated.


So the RAM is very important, 16 GB minimum



from page 16 there's something about Windows