Laptop + 2 monitors distributor?


I have a windows10 laptop with hdmi output and 2 hdmi monitors.

I would like to extend to both monitors, i.e. Not to mirror the monitors but to be able to use them separately

Since I only have one HDMI output, I searched the Internet for a so-called HDMI splitter and found only that:

It has one input and two outputs and should be able to transmit 4k.

Now I wonder how I can tell my windows computer that it should transmit 2 monitors via this one output. I can only increase the resolution to 1920 × 1080

Thanks in advance for all the answers. It would be nice if you had this problem fixed because otherwise my second monitor is completely free


If you only have one HDMI connection, then only one image will be displayed. That will be the same picture. Unfortunately, this does not work the way you imagine it to.


If you have ONE HDMI output, you can only send ONE signal.


An HDMI splitter forwards the same signal to two monitors, so you basically have the same picture on both.

If you want to expand the display, both monitors must be connected separately to the laptop. If your laptop does not have enough monitor connections / does not support the desired number of monitors, you were unlucky.


So one measures I thought the splitter simulates a (1920 × 2) × 1080 monitor and then does half to everyone. Isn't there a way to do that?


So one measures I thought the splitter simulates a (1920 × 2) × 1080 monitor and then does half to everyone. Isn't there a way to do that?


So one measures I thought the splitter simulates a (1920 × 2) × 1080 monitor and then does half to everyone. Isn't there a way to do that?


No. You should have a second video output.

If you have USB 3, you could try video output on it - there are relatively cheap connections for.

Alternatively, if the laptop e.g. USB-C with display port output or VGA or (mini) display port or similar Has about it


No, your laptop or the mainboard of your laptop needs 2 connections


If you have other monitor connections besides HDMI, e.g.

Laptop 2 monitors distributor, or, you could use an appropriate adapter / converter to HDMI.

There are also adapters to connect monitors via USB. This function must then also be supported by the laptop.


Good thank you


Good thank you


With HMDi you can only transfer one image, if you use an HMDI splitter you have the same image on both.

If your laptop display port or USB C Thunderbird had, you could create multiple monitors with your own picture.