What do HR service clerks do in their training?


I have applied for an apprenticeship. Can someone recommend the profession to me? Actually wanted to become an office clerk or health clerk, but can you compare the job of personnel service provider with them? Likes to be in the office. Are there opportunities for advancement / further training afterwards? And then you are mainly in the office with your laptop or how can you imagine the job? I did some research but wanted to ask again personally


Don't you think that one should find out about a possible training BEFORE applying for it?

Or do you send applications like direct mail?


There's always a training ordinance for all training occupations. Google for this term in connection with the respective profession and you will find the easy.

This ordinance states in detail which content the trainee should learn during the training period in the training company. So here you can see what is in store for you at this time.

The other part that you could google for would be the respective framework curriculum of the vocational school, also for each profession. Here, too, you will find a breakdown of what is involved in the vocational school during the training.

With these documents you can find out very well where the differences between the commercial professions lie and which ones would appeal to you more than others.

By the way, "In the office" is purely a location, not a job description!


Read the last sentence again before you give such an unnecessary gibberish, always on make cool maker behind the Internet, but don't answer at all if you are talking like that about yourself