MacBook Air with M1 or Intel for FIAE training?

- in Macbook

I will start my training as an IT specialist for application development in September. I would like to buy a MacBook Air because I have had very good experiences with my parents' MacBook. You have to say that I'm deeply rooted in the Apple eco-system, and a Mac would fit in perfectly.

I'm mainly a Windows (10) and Linux (Ubuntu, Raspberry Pi OS, Kali) user, but I also get along very well with macOS.

The real question that arises is whether an Air with an M1 or rather with an Intel CPU. Both have their advantages and disadvantages, such as battery life, performance or compatibility. I'm not quite sure what is important or what is decisive for a decision.

I would be very happy if a few who are knowledgeable (computer scientists or not) would share their opinions or experiences / recommendations here. Even if you have reasons against a MacBook for training as an FIAE, and would rather recommend a Windows laptop.

Meanwhile many thanks for the reply's.


You can forget about Intel right away when it comes to the MacBook, M1 destroyed Intel. Just believe me and get yourself with M1


It's true, the M1 has technically taken all Intel Macs performance hops, but the question still remains which is better for programming. The M1 still has the problem of compatibility, not all programs run even with Rosetta.


Get it anyway, wait 1-2 months and you'll be safe when it comes to programming


The M1 is technically superior, but in your special case you will want to run Windows in a VM, and you can de facto not get around Intel, unless you want to tinker with the rest of your studies and spend time solving frying unnecessary problems.

Conclusion: M1 is significantly better, but unfortunately totally unsuitable for your applications. If you want to use a Win VM, you HAVE to rely on Intel.


The FS obviously wants to win u. Programming Lin, so it has to be Intel!

M1 is superior, but still causes too many problems to be able to work with it in a relaxed manner.


I have the Air with the M1 and it's great, BUT you have to see if the programs you need are also available for the MacBook with M1, otherwise problems can arise! It is really fast and has almost no errors but only FAST! The one with Intel has significantly fewer problems, so if you need one that you always have to rely on 100% then definitely the MacBook Air with Intel!


Yes, BUT the M1 still has problems and not all programs are available… Yesterday mine was just completely frozen when using Safari and that can happen with the M1 … Even if it is really fast and lasts a long time!


How warm does your MacBook get under full load?


So well with 4 hours of xCode with permanent simulation it has become a little bit. With 2 hours of editing, not even… And in normal use it is colder than the ambient temperature


You probably won't need a private laptop for the training itself.

In the company you will have a laptop or desktop. That's where you do your work.

You may not need a private laptop for vocational school either. Most of my classmates are allowed to use the company laptop in the vocational school.

Some require an active VPN connection to use the laptop. Since my vocational school blocks most of the ports, it can't be used at school.

Therefore, many use their private laptop. Otherwise there would also be PCs provided by the school.

The vocational school is also not 100% programming. My class consists e.g. Also from FISY and FIAE. The school also teaches topics that have less to do with programming. Part of the school time also consists of simple research.

The exact structure also depends heavily on the class and the vocational school.

The M1 MacBook can also show its strengths in vocational school.

Whether an M1 Mac or an Intel Mac is better now also depends a lot on your plans.

What do you want to program for which device in your free time?

The M1 MacBook will show its strengths in some applications. An example that comes to mind would be iOS apps, as these can be tested natively on the Mac.

The Intel Macbook will probably show its strengths in areas with virtualization. There's still a while to next September. Until then, the topic of virtualization and M1 can look completely different.

I have already ordered a basic Macbook Air M1. However, it takes a few more weeks to get through to me.

I will e.g. Use for surfing, office or image editing. Programming will also be a part.

By the way, I'm a FIAE trainee in my first year.