Is the school worth the tuition?


I found a school that costs 750 euro per month. Classes start at 8:30 am and there's no afternoon class ie. You only have 6 hours of school a day. The classes consist of a maximum of 15 students. There are subjects like robotics or Chinese. Work is done exclusively with tablets and laptops, at school no paper is used anymore.

My current public school starts at 7:45 am and you have school until 3:45 pm every day! Some of the courses consist of up to 33 students and some courses also take place in other schools so that you always have to commute. We hardly work with digital media.

Why can this private school offer such cool things? And is it worthwhile?


You already answered your question with the heading. This school takes a lot of school fees.

To judge whether this is worthwhile, one would have to compare how many students have completed successfully.


Why can they offer that? Because people are willing to pay huge sums for it.

Is it worth it?

Private schools are usually worthwhile if you can't cope on a state.


Why can a private school offer something like that? Because the parents pay coal for it. A public school is financed by the state and they don't want to spend much money on it. If you are familiar with Pcs then here is an example: At my old school was bought "new Pcs" with 4GB ram and i3 3xxx, on even a 10 has arrived, so what do you get at a public school.