I would like to buy the 1000 euro laptop and I'm not sure if it is really worthwhile for this laptop on long-term?


Do you think it's worth buying this laptop?


I would like to buy the 1000 euro laptop and I m not sure if it is really worthwhile for this laptop on long-term

That depends on what you intend to do with it. He is not very strong now. This will allow you to play current, hardware-hungry games only on medium settings, if you want to gamble at all.

Of course, a laptop is not rudimentary as a stand-up PC. Say, you can usually only exchange the hard disk and / or the main memory. The processor and the graphics card, however, usually not. There are hardly any suitable spare parts to buy in this regard. So it depends on how long you want to get along with it.


In the long run the laptop is not very good. The GTX 1050Ti, 8GB of RAM and an i5 are enough now, but in a few years this will not be enough.
With a PC in the price category, you will enjoy much longer.


Take the 17 inch, for 2000 euro, you have more of it, that has problems with the cooling and is quite loud.