Laptop slower by W10?


I updated my laptop from W8 to W10 yesterday with the free Windows 10 update.

Since then my browser has also reacted a bit slower (Chrome) But not only that, games like CSGO I can't start playing anymore, because they freeze in the loading screen, Roblox from 60fps to only 20-30fps, War Thunder from 60 ~ to 10 -15fps and Minecraft from 100-400 + to 1-7 fps, settings all remained the same. I heard that Windows 10 can also make the laptop / PC a little slower, but that's not a bit slower, but very much.

Or do I have to update any drivers etc?
Should I go from Windows 10 back to Windows 8 if there's no solution?


Windows 10 actually needs the same resources as Windows 8. I don't know what you set during your installation, but Windows normally finds the drivers. Simply download the clear graphics card from the manufacturer, as well as all drivers that Windows does not install. Please do not use a driver booster or similar.

The best thing to do is to go back to Windows 8 and again from the beginning and, as already mentioned by Pleague, simply go to GManager and have a look at your drivers after the installation.


Looked again "more closely" and found that my graphics card was not newly installed.


In general, it is better not to upgrade, but to perform a completely clean reinstallation when switching to a new OS. The upgrades always leave a lot of legacy problems behind


First drive the win updates.
Go to Settings> Update and security> Check for updates…


No new updates were available. Have restored to Windows 8 and now my graphics driver is gone, when I reinstalled the graphics driver he told me that it is not available for this version, but before that it worked?


You can download the graphics driver and the others from the support / download page of your laptop manufacturer.