What is all income?


I'm a student and need a laptop, which I can't finance from my pocket. Such sites as notebooksbilliger.de have yes ways to pay off the whole in installments. Now I'm supposed to give my monthly net income, problem is I do not really have one ^^ 'I have a student loan by which I keep myself generally alive and I get the child support from my parents. Does either of these count as income?

Probably. Does anyone have any other ideas on how to finance a laptop at short notice?


With this income you will not get a loan. Ask your parents if they buy you the laptop and you pay them back.


That is not possible at the moment, they also have their expenses ^^


Maybe you can order it there for you? I'm assuming that your parents have a normal income.


Both are income.

Better would be a loan from grandma


Keep from the parents

Accept 450 Euro job

Or you have to increase your student loan



What is all income


That should be enough, right?

You do not need more than MS Office on the notebook.


Look in pc shops after I had once seen a lapp-tob around the 35-70 euro! This can be Dan, for example, with 2 Saturdays market stalls on and off already finance! If you can help Dan, for example, when selling, you can also earn more!

Or try for example by the employment office on a day job eg for Saturday to come!

At the prices a used + external disk would be more efficient.