Why does Linux scale so badly on HiDPi displays?


I have a Thinkpad 14 inch with WQHD display running on the Win 10. I also have a slightly older notebook where Elementary OS is running (1600x1200 display). I have already tried different Linux distros on the Thinkpad but the scaling of 200% is too much and 100% too little. At 100% my eyes hurt at some point and at 200% everything is so big that it just looks bad. With Windows 10, everything looks great with 200% magnification and I've never had a program that did not scale that well. The question is why Linux can't do this or more concrete: Why Ubuntu, Elementary OS can't do that? Is there possibly an OS where the scaling is on Windows level? I have tried to enlarge these fonts on Linux but that was not necessarily the optimal solution.


Actually can't be, because linux works more versatile than win.

but linux does not recognize everything right away, this one has to teach something manually.

have you set the configs to the display correctly?

Driver Problems? Kernel does not support LCD drivers?

what do you think about the display on the net and other users the same problems?


Why does Linux scale so badly on HiDPi displays?

Does it do that, I can't understand here?

I also have a slightly older notebook where Elementary OS is running (1600x1200 display)

Since when is this resolution HighDPI?

With Windows 10, everything looks great with 200% magnification and I've never had a program that did not scale that well.

Windows is not a program (at best a collection of programs) but an operating system.
What are you even enlarging?
How do you increase what you enlarge?

With me even Puppy-Linux runs with a 4K device without problems.

Since the icons and fonts are all vector drawings nowadays, there's no bad magnification.

Linux Hase


The HiDPI resolution related to the Thinkpad. On my old calculator I have eOS, as described and think it's really great. I would like to do it on my Thinkpad too, but it seems to me that everything is so big. If I The file manager draufmache, then he almost fills the entire screen. The browser is also zoomed in strongly.


I can understand your problem. As far as I know, the Linux desktop QHD and 4K resolutions overall is not very mature. The setting options and how easy they are to use depend in this case strongly on the desktop environment used.

In my opinion the KDE plasma desktop offers the best possibilities out of the box. You could, for example, Try the current version of Kubuntu (19.04).

In addition, I would also advise you not currently Wayland but X.org use as a display server.

Besides, it would be good to know which GPU is installed in your Thinkpad.


My Thinkpad only has this integrated GPU from Intel. Have an i5-8250u and I think the HD 620 as a GPU.


Ok, the integrated Intel GPU's are fortunately unproblematic.


The HiDPI resolution related to the Thinkpad.

HiDPi to 14 inches, is so crazy. I think that on such a screen the 1600x1200 are already too much, at least in my eyes. I have clear on the smartphone 4k, but if you then look at the icons, you know that too much more than 48x48 pixels need to be "touched" ;-)

but somehow everything seems so big to me

Depending on which desktop, but that can be adjusted.

If I The file manager draufmache, then he almost fills the entire screen.

What is there?


in the terminal, with you?

Linux Hase