My fingers stink so badly?


It's really weird: my fingers have been stinking so badly for a while now, like vomit and such a disgusting, sweet rancid smell, every time i scratch my nose i feel nauseous because it stinks so badly and even when i look at them three times Washed various soaps and then used perfumed hand cream, that stench just doesn't go away! Is it because we have cats and dogs, or is it because I cook? And how does he go away? Please help me!

p.s.: even when I write here on my laptop I smell it, it stinks up here! Unbearable!


Um. You disgust me a little - just before starting.

Wash your hands properly. If it doesn't work, find a video on Youtube. There are some especially for children.

If there are health reasons, talk to your doctor about it, because it sounds anything but normal…


What did you do with your fingers? đź’€


Get yourself new hands


I'm asking that right now


Where can you buy them?


I know very well how to wash hands, thank you anyway


Kidding, seriously try toothpaste. I always used them after cutting onions or other strong smelling foods. The smell is absorbed by the paste and simply rinsed away


It's not like soap or no idea what


Thank you! I'll try it out


Let me know if it went, otherwise I can't help you


Now for something completely different: get another person to confirm that your fingers really stink.

Otherwise it may be because of your nose that there are problems with mucous membrane, bark, etc.

Had a nasal septum surgery last year and also had the problem that everything stinks, but then it was on the nose, not on the e.g. Fingers…


Well thank you!


Maybe it helps if you bathe your hands for a longer period of time. So with soap.

I once did an internship at a supermarket where I had to pack cheese. At that time my hands also smelled extremely. Just washing didn't help. I then let it soak in the bath with soap and that helped. I think the smell was still there afterwards, but it slowly but surely went away.