Xbox One download speed utopian slow?


My problem is as described above, that the download speed of my Xbox One is extremely slow. The console is connected to the router via cable and powerline adapter. I looked at the network statistics of the console. It says that the upload is at 0 bit / s and the download is at 0.35 Mbit / s. Then I connected my laptop via the same cable and a speed test, which has shown me about the same download speed and an upload speed of about 2 Mbit / d. This means that it can't lie on the console. Then I made the same speed test again over Wlan and there came out an upload speed of 1.7 Mbps and a download speed of 3.04 Mbit / s, which is much faster in comparison. Actually, this would have to be faster over LAN. What can this be? Is this possibly on my powerline adapter?


Dirty LAN connection, both router and Xbox One check → clean
test another LAN cable
use another LAN port on the router


The problem is solved. After I've cleaned the ports, I can at least gamble online again without any problems. Actually, I always do all my electronic things regularly, so I thought it was because of my adapter, because it is already very old. But before I buy myself a new adapter or new cable I wanted to ask first, if that is not something else.


Little hackertrick. :
Network Settings
advanced settings
DNS setting 1. On 8 8 8 8 and second set to 8 8 4 4 and then delete the altanative mac address Xbox restarts. You're welcome


Thank you for your answer. I reset my router. At the moment the connection is stable, but I will try your suggestion anyway.


With me everything works better had 30 with / s now 50-60