Esc key opens Edge Browser?


I have a problem with my bluetooth keyboard and wanted to ask if you somehow have a plan.

The problem is that all of a sudden in the middle of the game my ESC and F1-F12 keys are doing different commands so they should.

For example the Escape key opens the Edge Browser and the F2 key "Clipboard" etc.

I've been researching for so long and trying everything that is possible (key combinations, resetting drivers, etc. Even resetting my laptop😕) and still nothing works.

I'm really desperate and really don't know what to do next.

Can you help me please!


What keyboard do you have?

I guess that it will be like a Macbook here, the keys there are also assigned functions such as screen brightness.

With the Macbook you can bypass this with the help of the 'Fn' key and thus really e.g. Press 'F12' instead of the function.


Then it will probably be due to the keyboard. What kind of keyboard are you talking about? What is the exact model? Seems to be an external keyboard and not that of your laptop, if I got that right. Such functions can often be turned off with the FN key of a keyboard, if your external keyboard has such a key.

If the problems also occur outside of games and you want to be absolutely sure whether it is the system or, as suspected, the keyboard, then you could use the on-screen keyboard. Simply search for the on-screen keyboard using the Windows search. You can operate these with the mouse pointer. Then just click on buttons that are not working properly. If the keys on the on-screen keyboard work normally, then your keyboard is causing the problems, and if the keys above don't work either, it's the system.


If I press the key combination FN + esc it works, but it is cumbersome to keep pressing it at the same time in the middle of the game.

That's why I'm looking for how to display it and it happened in the middle of the game


It's an Ajazz Bluetooth keyboard from Amazon.

When I use the keyboard on my laptop or the one on the screen everything works fine.


I guess you will only be able to work around the problem with the FN key. There's no software for the keyboard, the keys are not programmable. In general, I can hardly find any information about the keyboard. Never heard of this company either.


Hmm ok a shame, thank you for taking so much trouble anyway.


Additional software will have been installed there.

Which of them did you install everything?

Esc key opens Edge Browser

I just see the list goes on

Do you have keyboard software at the bottom of the task tray?


Actually, I haven't installed any additional software.

Which of them is the one I need for my keyboard, because I looked which one I have and somehow I have the 308i but there's no software for that


It's beautiful

that one?

Unfortunately, I have no idea spontaneously either - sorry


Bro exactly the only that the one is pink and the buttons are white.