Laptop crashed videos disappeared?


I have the following problem. And that wanted to pull the videos of my gopro hero 4 silver on my laptop. However, the laptop crashed and did not work anymore. Then I just got the battery out and made it clean again. The laptop is working again. However, the entire videos of the holidays are no longer on the laptop and no longer on the gopro. Does anyone have an idea how I might get the videos back somehow. Because that would be a real pity about the beautiful videos and the memories of the holiday.


Download the program "Everything" and type in the name of the video… If it is still on the computer it will find "Everything".


Doing a depth scan is almost always possible.


And the installation may overwrite this data if only one partition exists…


If only one partition exists, then download the following program to a USB stick and unzip it there: Recuva Portable on

Everything is also available as a portable version:
Then download this on a USB stick and unzip it there. There's no difference to the installation version. Both can be served the same. I use this constantly and because of the many settings you can quietly ask me for advice.

The search setting for the video is: * .Video type (* .mp4, * .avi, etc.)
Then all found videos are listed.
If it is in the TEMP folder, just drag it to the USB flash drive (if there's enough space).

A cloud can protect against such losses. I'm constantly using "OneDrive"; "Megasync" and other clouds. But under (50 GB), you can easily set up a cloud for free (ask questions to me).