Reset CPU to output power?


How can I undo the CPU throttling after the guarantee expires? My CPU is only very, very slow and just 2 years old… Can you change the BIOS so that the CPU has its old performance again? Or how do manufacturers like Intel throttle the processors to buy new ones? Does jmd work in the area? Does anyone have any idea about this? I can't work with this potato…

before the CPU became very slow (a month ago) I was able to work with it well.

Laptop has a 3 year warranty…

Operating system: Windows 10 home 64bit

CPU: i5 6200u


CPUs are not throttled.
Where did you get the nonsense from?


But of course how else is it possible that my PC has lost 80% performance…


No, of course not. CPUS in PCs are not throttled… You may have shot something in software. It has nothing to do with the CPU…


The problem occurred… I reinstalled everything… Problem is still there, but the CPU is much more busy than before, sometimes 2-5 times as strong


Put your conspiracy theories somewhere else, manufacturers don't throttle their CPUs. Your PC will wear out over time if it has not been well maintained.

You can do that:

Let antivirus programs run over it.
Uninstall unnecessary programs
Delete unnecessary large data / amounts of data
Clean the air supply on the computer so that the CPU is cooled better


Not even 2 weeks ago you wrote that your fan grinds and sometimes crashes:
Fan grinds?
that's only sometimes and whenever he grinds or a crack comes, the PC is slow and I don't understand why…
If the CPU gets too hot, it naturally throttles down as protection so that the process does not wear out. So download the program to monitor the temperatures and see if it's a temperature problem.

But as many people have already confirmed in your umpteen questions: CPUs are not slower and certainly not throttled by the manufacturer.


The CPU temperatures are in order… And at the moment the loss of performance is permanent…


And as you wrote 2 days before, you already fiddled with the fan and did not get it properly and also it slapped you on the mainboard and damaged a capacitor. So it's not the manufacturer's fault, it's simply your own fault.


I think it is less because of your CPU and more because of the amount of data and data garbage on your computer. In addition, if you have an HDD, it will slow down over the years.

A CPU can throttle itself if it gets too hot. The watch items are dusty fans, etc.

Possibility here is to bring your laptop to the PC service and fix these errors.


The dust in the fan was removed, the thermal paste was renewed and the CPU temperature checked, the entire Windows was also reinstalled, only a few programs and all drivers and updates installed… What else is it supposed to be?


He was at service… They cleaned the fan and replaced the thermal grease… I set up the system again… The problem is still there


It's not just about a pc. 2Desktop pcs that I ruined - yes, but the laptop has a guarantee and it wasn't my turn - you of course couldn't have known that, sry


What is done with the system? What do you mean by "slow". The service was made when the problem occurred?


Some types of memory will wear out over time. I would check the RAM memory, it is essential for the speed of a PC.


Yes, but they wanted 60 euro for the review because no error was found from their point of view


Yes and with what?


So the service cleaned the laptop and set it up again. Is that right?


I set up a new one, because with the software this is not a matter of guarantee


OK. Now what is defined under slow? Ever opened the task manager and checked the load?


Thank you


Yes CPU is where previously 5% was 10-20% and where previously 20-30% was now 100% …


So in idle, without additional programs, open or with. And then what programs?


Idle? Minecraft around 100%, Edge around 20% (especially YouTube play pulls like never before (40-60% around), OBS with low settings and low resolution 30%… I can't do more at the moment…


Everything seems normal to me. The Minecraft takes the CPU + integrated GPU in the CPU. I find YouTube strange. Should rather need less. What browser is used? Are there any addons installed?