Send laptop for repair Transport safely with DHL refund if transport damage?


I would like to send my laptop to the manufacturer because he must be repaired I would pack it in the original box and then fill with the filling material as you see in the picture completely down side and top DHL will refund my laptop if transport damage so I like him Now I would have a right to a refund if something happened

I know that I have to insure my laptop at DHL to 2.5000 euro

Send laptop for repair Transport safely with DHL refund if transport damage

You are completely safe only if you pack according to the specifications of Dhl. In the event of damage, they will always get rid of insufficient packaging.

I would pack everything in the original box and wrap it again well padded.


Hello what do you mean (I would pack everything in the original box) so the filler comes only around the original package rum?


Yes, pack the original box again.


How many times do you want to ask? You already got helpful answers and links.


So I should not wrap in the original box but the filling material right around it just because in the original Katon always made of cardboard material for security


Hi, I just asked again because I want to use this stuff and want to keep it safe again I read the link you have sent me many thanks